About us

What distinguishes us from other fitness centres, studios and gyms?

We teach you how to move more correctly throughout the day and in a wide variety of activities, both sports and at home: from carrying heavy objects to conquering high mountain peaks. How to translate the elements of physical exercise into everyday efforts of bending, reaching, pulling and pushing objects, as well as coping with everyday life. By assessing the current situation, we direct you towards a more fulfilling life, through the fluidity of our content.

What values does our studio advocate?

Through expertise, we stand for individualisation and equality. Without comparison and competition, we respect everyone's beginning and current knowledge, no matter where they are at a given moment. You may be experiencing physical exercise for the first time, or you may be Olympic champions. We like to train people, and we adapt to your abilities in order to improve them, push the boundaries of your nervous system, and balance you mentally, physically and spiritually in order to progress.

What do we want to achieve?

We are sure that you will feel taken care of knowing that the programs are tailored to your needs and the current condition found in the first hour of testing, all while enjoying a pleasant environment, with the professional guidance of educated trainers, therapists and dancers.

Purposeful exercise.

Education through workshops on health and movement.

Koje su glavne usluge koju nudimo?

Programiranje treninga i oporavka na osnovu individualne evaluacije tjelesnog, emotivnog i energetskog stanja – od rekreativaca do sportaša, kao i za sve kategorije između. Posvećenost i stručnost u radu i praćenje rezultata na putu do ostvarenja individualnih ciljeva. Metode oporavka i relaksacije, kao i sveobuhvatne njege tijela. Otpuštanje emotivnih i energetskih programa uz pomoć plesa i pokreta.

Wellness area

Our recovery and relaxation services include Tibetan comprehensive therapy, cryotherapy, IR and Finnish sauna.

Movement room

A space for researching movement patterns, organisation of posture and functional training, which will also be used for holding seminars and trainings on the topic of health and holistic living.

Dance room

A space for dance and group training, integrated within the principles of holistic health. From toddlers to adults, everyone will have the opportunity to experience dance in one of the forms offered.

Diagnostics / Evaluation

During your first visit, we provide testing and evaluation services to retrieve information about your current condition, based on which we program your further activities in order to provide a comprehensive service in our holistic centre.



Tradicionalna tajlandska masaža, tibetanska sveobuhvatna terapija, krioterapija, IC i finska sauna nakon kojih preporučujemo odmor u relax i slanoj sobi.



Prostor za istraživanje kretnih obrazaca, organizaciju posture i funkcionalni trening koji će ujedno koristiti i za održavanje seminara i edukacija na temu zdravlja i holističkog življenja.



Prostor za ples i grupne treninge, integrisan unutar principa holističkog zdravlja. Od mališana do zrelije dobi, svi će imati priliku da iskuse ples u nekom od ponuđenih oblika, a shodno preporučenim programima i ostvarenju željenih ciljeva.



Pri prvom dolasku pružamo usluge testiranja i evaluacije trenutnog stanja, na osnovu kojeg programiramo Vaše daljnje aktivnosti u svrhu pružanja sveobuhvatne usluge u našem holističkom centru.



Mon – Fri: 8AM – 8PM
Sat & Sun : we are (mostly) closed


Marka Marulića 2, 71000 Sarajevo


+387 61 97 97 24

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