Dance room

Our Dance & group classes room is uniquely built for the most enjoyable group experiences. Different variety of classes with our devoted instructors are perfect to unwind after a long day. From youngsters to seniors, everyone will have the chance to find something for themselves. Yoga, Movement class, Dance or Therapeutic Tao Training with our therapist are possible to combine within our group packages.

Irma Pilav

  • Master of Sports and Physical Education;
  • Graduated dance teacher;
  • The concept creator behind the holistic center for dance, training and recovery.

Irma is a visionary with a teacher's mission of promoting health on all levels – mental, physical and spiritual. During her studies, Irma discovers the importance of basic movement patterns and awareness of body posture For the next decade, she works with different personalities in various fields such as: conditioning, rehabilitation, injury prevention, functional training and dance classes.

Her pursuit of balance between physical, mental and spiritual fulfillment stems from different schools and teachings and, with continuous work on herself, Irma develops her own training concepts that are based on synergy of mobility development, strength and fluidity of movements combined with breathing techniques.
Irma advocates the promotion of self-sustainable and conscious exercise through a holistic approach to movement and recovery.

Her commitment is continuous education and research for the purpose of selflessly sharing her acquired knowledge and experience with those who vibrate at the same frequency.



Learn Afro, waacking i Dancehall with an educated dance teacher. In this class the focus is on methodology and historical backround of every dance. Musicality and steps are methodologically thaught in an orderly manner. The participants of the dance school will have the chance to merge with the performance group doing video projects and showcases together with the teacher.

AGE: 10 - 20 yrs


This dance class is combining a variety of hips and waist dance patterns. Releasing energy through variations of rhythmic hip movements will elevate energy from the lower energy centers, releasing tension and aiding in grounding, allowing you to immerse yourself in feminine energy. Subtlety, gentleness, and vulnerability through movement are the themes of this class.

AGE: 18 - 40+ yrs

Ples Duše

Ples Duše je kombinacija energetske i duševne spoznaje cijelog Kosmosa kroz Vaše tijelo. Fizičko osvještavanje energetskih centara je najlakši način do spoznaje istih. Uvodne kretnje kroz koje osvještavamo energetske centre i povezujemo se sa njima, omogućuju bolje razumijevanje prisutnosti suptilne energije u nama, dok se plesnim pokretima oslobađaju i najdublja uvjerenja koja nosimo sa sobom.

Razgovor o ključnim temama, kao i osvještavanje obrazaca koje ponavljamo u svojim životnim ciklusima mogu pomoći integraciji i otpuštanju uvjerenja. Kroz afirmaciju i kontemplaciju, ova radionica vodi Vas do spoznaje Vaše veličine i moći.

Ove radionice su povremene (1x u mjesecu ili unutar 2 mjeseca) i traju 2-3h. Za primanje novosti o ovim radionicama poslati mail sadržaja "novosti za Ples duše" kako biste bili prijavljeni na mailing listu. Mail adresa:

Ibro Sulejmanović

  • dipl. Fizioterapeut
  • Naturopat / Akupunkturolog
  • Trener Yoge i učitelj meditacije
  • Certificirani funkcionalni trener (FMS)

Završen studij na Medicinskom fakultetu u Tuzli - odsjek zdravstvenih studija - fizioterapija. Nakon završenih studija, okreće se izučavanju holističkog koncepta liječenja. Usmjerava se na manuelne osteopatske tehnike kao i  tradicionalne kineske medicine, tibetanske medicine, naturopatije i akupunkture.

Rad u vrhunskim privatnim medicinskim ustanovama, donosi mu bogato iskustvo u radu sa različitim medicinskim dijagnozama, akutnim i hroničnim bolnim stanjima. Pored toga radio je i sa profesionalnim sportašima u nacionalnom košarkaškom timu.

Group Classes


Therapeutic Tao Training is a combination of traditional chinese medicine practices and ancient indian knowledge, of Ayurvedic and Yogic schools. Sacred knowledge about chakras, meridians and accupressure points is integrated through breathwork, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and meditation. This class consists of physical movements used for releasing the blockages and promoting the flow of Qi energy in body, while strengthening our body and mind awareness. In the same time these practices improve focus, concentration, mobility, stability and physical strength.

Jasmin Begović

  • Faculty of Economy graduate at the University of Sarajevo
  • Licenced Zumba fitness instructor

In the world of dance since the age of 5, he is driven by his love for music and dance in his everyday activities. He effortlessly conveys his energy and positive vibes through dance steps to his students. As a licensed Zumba instructor, he combines various dance styles, creating a Zumba class that serves as an excellent physical activity, stress relief, and joy-filled experience for participants. Together with his well-thought-out choreographies, he turns each class into a vibrant space for enjoyment.



Zumba classes combine latin and international music and dance to create a dynamic calorie-burning form of workout for people of all fitness levels and age groups. This effective fitness system features aerobic training perfomed as a fusion of slow and fast rhythms to tone and sculpt your body.

In this class i tis inevitable to burn calories, but Zumba can also help lower the risk of heart disease, reduce blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, and increase HDL cholesterol.

Amina Šatrović

At the age of twenty-one, she enters the world of spirituality and begins exploring various techniques such as yoga, Reiki, and psychotherapy while navigating this world alongside her English language studies. She has been called a teacher since childhood, although she considers herself an eternal student of life.

As a passionate advocate for young people, she dedicates her life to working in high school, establishing direct contact with the needs of the younger generations. She believes that her greatest work is with young people, incorporating all her spiritual knowledge into formal education to provide them with tools to cope with increasing stress and the demands of society. Her mission is healthy and satisfied people of all ages, as she believes these are fundamental rights for all of us.


Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is an ancient practice, and the meaning of the word „Kundalini“ translates into life energy force of every living being. Kundalini is simultaneously creative and sexual energy of each individual being. This practice is differentiated from the rest by its effectiveness. That holds a certain risk to it, and it is always recommended to do it with a teacher. It is suitable for every age and athletic level, since it can be moderated to meet the requirements of the individual practitioner. The purpose of this practice is rising of Kundalini to the higher centres by using medittion, certain breathing and physical exercises.


Mon – Fri: 8AM – 8PM
Sat & Sun : we are (mostly) closed


Marka Marulića 2, 71000 Sarajevo

+387 61 97 97 24

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Njen pristup treningu zasnovan je na ravnoteži između snage i fleksibilnosti, ispoljavanja sile i otpuštanju tenzija. Časovi koje Adrienne vodi fokusiraju se na „flow“ i miofascijalno istezanje. Očekujte znojenje, kretanje i pravilno disanje!


Body Art

Ovaj sistem treninga inspirisan je zapadnim i istočnim metodama fizioterapije, namijenjen da podigne ljudske performanse na visočiji nivo a istovremeno osigura blag uticaj na zglobove i na prevenciju ozljeda. Aktivira se cijelo tijelo uz primjenu pravilnih obrazaca disanja, a završava sa oporavkom uz opuštanje na strunjači.

Garantujemo da će Vam BodyArt pomoći da se nastavite neometano baviti svim aktivnostima koje volite, onoliko dugo koliko budete željeli – bez bolova i povreda.

YIn Yoga

Praksa uz pomoć koje uranjamo u parasimpatetički nervni sistem. U takvom opuštajućem stanju, oporavljaju se sva tkiva u tijelu. Duža zadržavanja u Yin pozicijama promovišu balans uma, tijela i duha. Statičnost ove prakse nas uvodi u meditativna stanja.
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