
We like to educate, and we adapt to your abilities in order to improve them, push the limits of your nervous system, balance you mentally, physically and spiritually in order to improve your performance.

About us


What are the main services we offer?

Training and recovery programming based on individual evaluation of the physical, emotional and energy state - from recreationalists to athletes, as well as for all categories in between. Commitment and expertise in work and monitoring results on the way to achieving individual goals. Methods of recovery and relaxation, as well as comprehensive body care. Releasing emotional and energy programs with the help of dance and movement.

Wellness area

Our recovery and relaxation services include Tibetan comprehensive therapy, cryotherapy, IR and Finnish sauna.

Movement room

A space for researching movement patterns, organisation of posture and functional training, which will also be used for holding seminars and trainings on the topic of health and holistic living.

Dance room

A space for dance and group training, integrated within the principles of holistic health. From toddlers to adults, everyone will have the opportunity to experience dance in one of the forms offered.

Diagnostics / Evaluation

During your first visit, we provide testing and evaluation services to retrieve information about your current condition, based on which we program your further activities in order to provide a comprehensive service in our holistic centre.


Your time to touch the spirit

Naš tim

Meet the STAFF

Irma Pilav

Master of Sports and Physical Education;

Graduated dance teacher;

The concept creator behind the holistic center for dance, training and recovery.

Ibro Sulejmanović

Member of the international naturopathic organization - INO;

Certified functional trainer and FMS;

Lover of movement and healthy lifestyle habits.

Deni Mandić

FMS, CFT, Functional range conditioning certified

Postural analysis and correction

Specializing in neuro-rehab protocols

Merisa Kurtović

administracija i organizacija poslovanja

desna ruka naše osnivačice

zalaže se za pravednost i profesionalnost

Amila Karalić

Bachelor fizikalne terapije

Zaljubljenik u fitness, pokret i terapiju

Eldina Išmić Solak

DIPL bachelor fizikalne terapije

Pridaje značaju pokreta i aktivaciji tijela i zdravstvenih tretmana

Uspješno završena edukacija limfne drenaže

Ronald Andall

mašinski inžinjer sa ostvarenjima u men's physique takmičenjima

promotor zdravog života kroz pokret

finansijski i organizacijski savjetnik i aktivni trener u studiju



Mon – Fri: 8AM – 8PM
Sat & Sun : we are (mostly) closed


Marka Marulića 2, 71000 Sarajevo

+387 61 97 97 24

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