Ibro Sulejmanović

Member of the international naturopathic organization - INO;

Certified functional trainer and FMS;

Lover of movement and healthy lifestyle habits.

He completed his studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Tuzla – Department of Health Studies – Physiotherapy course. After completing his studies, Ibro starts his journey of learning the holistic concept of treatment. He focuses on exploring manual osteopathic techniques as well as traditional Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, naturopathy and acupuncture.

Working in top private medical institutions gives him rich experience in working with different medical diagnoses, and acute and chronic pain conditions. In addition, Ibro worked with professional athletes in the national basketball team.

Meet the STAFF
Irma Pilav

Master of Sports and Physical Education;

Graduated dance teacher;

The concept creator behind the holistic center for dance, training and recovery.

Deni Mandić

FMS, CFT, Functional range conditioning certified

Postural analysis and correction

Specializing in neuro-rehab protocols

Merisa Kurtović

administracija i organizacija poslovanja

desna ruka naše osnivačice

zalaže se za pravednost i profesionalnost

Amila Karalić

Bachelor fizikalne terapije

Zaljubljenik u fitness, pokret i terapiju

Eldina Išmić Solak

DIPL bachelor fizikalne terapije

Pridaje značaju pokreta i aktivaciji tijela i zdravstvenih tretmana

Uspješno završena edukacija limfne drenaže

Ronald Andall

mašinski inžinjer sa ostvarenjima u men's physique takmičenjima

promotor zdravog života kroz pokret

finansijski i organizacijski savjetnik i aktivni trener u studiju


pon-pet 8:00 do 20:00 h
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Marka Marulića 2, 71000 Sarajevo
+387 61 97 97 24

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