Wellness area

Our recovery and relaxation services include Tibetan comprehensive therapy, cryotherapy, IR and Finnish sauna. Relax your nervous system with our therapeutic treatments: relax massage of the head, stimulating detox treatment, accupressure, combined relaxation treatment, partial treatment. Enhance your metabolic processes using the cold plunge or an ice bath. Relax your soft tissues in one of our saunas, combining them with a relax or salt room.

Ibro Sulejmanović

  • Member of the international naturopathic organization - INO;
  • Certified functional trainer and FMS;
  • Lover of movement and healthy lifestyle habits.

He completed his studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Tuzla – Department of Health Studies – Physiotherapy course.
After completing his studies, Ibro starts his journey of learning the holistic concept of treatment. He focuses on exploring manual osteopathic techniques as well as traditional Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, naturopathy and acupuncture.

Working in top private medical institutions gives him rich experience in working with different medical diagnoses, and acute and chronic pain conditions. In addition, Ibro worked with professional athletes in the national basketball team.


Massage 1 - cupping massage with vacuum cups

A relaxing technique originating from traditional Chinese medicine, it relieves tension, stimulates circulation and qi (chi) energy, releases blockages and accelerates the recovery process.

Duration: 35 min.

Massage 2 - partial manual treatment/ selective

The treatment is based on manual osteopathic techniques, which release the structural blocks from the body. Useful for various painful conditions, headaches, movement limitations, digestive problems, previous injuries and traumas.

Duration: 45 min.

Massage 3 - stimulating detox treatment

The treatment is based on manual stimulation of the lymphatic system, neurolymphatic points and other toxin-eliminating organs (lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines).

Duration: 60 min.

Massage 4 - acupressure

According to the knowledge of traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine, successful treatment of various conditions is possible by using pressure on certain points on the body. It treats headache, painful conditions, digestive problems, tension, anxiety, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Duration: 45/50 min

Massage 5 - relaxing head massage

Massage of the bones of the head and face leads to a state of complete relaxation, which can be compared to feeling of deep relaxation after meditation. It is a state in which the inner human body potential is activated and self-healing mechanisms are initiated.

Duration: 50 min.

Massage 6 - combined recovery treatment

With a combination of manual treatment and assistive devices, give your body a chance for a recovery from training and everyday stress.

Duration: 60 min.

Moxa - stimulating warming treatment

A therapy whose roots lie in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Moxa sticks are used to stimulate acupressure points that have great health benefits.

Duration: 35 min.



Therapeutic Tao Training is a combination of traditional chinese medicine practices and ancient indian knowledge, of Ayurvedic and Yogic schools. Sacred knowledge about chakras, meridians and accupressure points is integrated through breathwork, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and meditation. This class consists of physical movements used for releasing the blockages and promoting the flow of Qi energy in body, while strengthening our body and mind awareness. In the same time these practices improve focus, concentration, mobility, stability and physical strength.


Cold plunge, also known as cold water immersion or cold baths, involve immersing your body in cold water for a short period of time. While the experience may be initially uncomfortable, cold plunges offer several potential benefits for physical and mental well-being:

Improved circulation: Exposure to cold water causes blood vessels to constrict, which helps to improve circulation. As a result, cold plunges can enhance blood flow to various parts of the body, promoting nutrient and oxygen delivery to tissues and organs.

Reduced inflammation: Cold water immersion has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. The cold temperature constricts blood vessels, which can help to decrease swelling and inflammation in muscles and joints.

Enhanced muscle recovery: Cold plunges can aid in muscle recovery by reducing muscle soreness and speeding up the removal of metabolic waste products from the muscles. The cold water helps to reduce inflammation and promote muscle repair and regeneration.

Increased metabolism: Cold exposure stimulates the production of brown fat, a type of fat that generates heat to help regulate body temperature. Brown fat activation can increase metabolic rate and potentially contribute to weight loss or weight management.

Improved mood and mental well-being: Cold water immersion has been reported to have mood-enhancing effects. The shock of cold water triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals in the brain. Cold plunges may also improve resilience to stress, increase alertness, and provide a sense of invigoration.

Enhanced immune function: Cold water exposure may have positive effects on the immune system. Some studies have shown that cold water immersion can increase the production of white blood cells, which are essential for immune function. Additionally, the stress response triggered by cold exposure may improve the body's ability to fight off infections.

Increased energy and wakefulness: Cold plunges can provide an energy boost and help combat fatigue. The shock of cold water stimulates the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline, hormones that can increase alertness and provide a natural burst of energy


Finnish saunas have been enjoyed for centuries and are an integral part of Finnish culture. They offer numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Benefits:

Relaxation and stress relief: the heat and the soothing atmosphere help to unwind and alleviate tension, resulting in a calming effect on the mind and body.

Improved circulation: the heat causes the blood vessels to dilate. This enhanced circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and organs, promoting overall cardiovascular health.

Detoxification: induced sweating helps the body to flush out impurities, heavy metals, and other harmful substances through the skin, which can improve overall detoxification.
Skin health: the heat and steam in saunas open up the pores, promoting deep cleansing and removing dead skin cells. This can improve the overall health and appearance of the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Muscle relaxation and pain relief: the heat increases blood flow to the muscles, which can help reduce soreness, ease muscle aches, and alleviate joint pain.

Respiratory benefits: The warm and humid environment in saunas can provide relief for certain respiratory conditions such as sinus congestion, bronchitis, and asthma.

Improved sleep: Regular sauna use has been linked to better sleep quality. The relaxation induced by saunas can help you unwind before bed and promote a deeper and more restful sleep.

Immune system boost: Saunas can temporarily increase body temperature, which may stimulate the production of white blood cells and strengthen the immune system. This can help the body fight off illnesses and infections more effectively.

Social and cultural benefits: saun
as are an important part of Finnish culture and are often enjoyed with family, friends, or even colleagues. They provide an opportunity for social interaction, bonding, and relaxation, which can have positive effects on mental well-being.


Bio sauna, also known as infrared saunas, is a type of sauna that uses infrared heaters to emit radiant heat, which is directly absorbed by the body. 

These saunas operate at lower temperatures compared to traditional saunas, making them more tolerable for many individuals. Bio saunas offer several potential benefits, including:
Detoxification: Bio saunas can induce a deep sweat, promoting detoxification and helping to flush out impurities from the body.

Relaxation and stress relief: The gentle heat of a bio sauna can help relax muscles, relieve tension, and reduce stress.

Improved circulation: The infrared heat from a bio sauna can increase blood circulation, which may help improve cardiovascular function.

Pain relief: Bio saunas have been reported to provide relief from various types of pain, including joint pain, muscle aches, and arthritis.

Skin health: The increased circulation and sweating can open up pores, remove impurities, and promote a healthy complexion.

Weight loss and metabolism boost: The increased heart rate and sweating during a sauna session can help burn calories. The heat may also boost metabolism.

Respiratory benefits: The dry heat of a bio sauna can provide relief for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies. The warm air can help open up airways, reduce congestion, and improve breathing.


Salt rooms, also known as salt caves or salt therapy rooms, have gained popularity in recent years due to their claimed health benefits. Here are some potential benefits associated with salt rooms:

Respiratory health: their positive effects on respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, and sinusitis are immense. Inhalation of microscopic salt particles is believed to help clear mucus, reduce inflammation, and improve lung function.

Skin health: Salt is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can benefit various skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Spending time in a salt room may help alleviate itching, reduce redness, and promote overall skin health.

Stress reduction: Salt rooms provide a peaceful and relaxing environment. The calming ambiance, coupled with the negative ions released by salt, may help reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being.

Detoxification: Salt therapy is thought to support the body's natural detoxification processes by drawing out impurities and toxins through the skin. This may help cleanse the body and improve overall detoxification.
Improved sleep: Some individuals report experiencing better sleep and relief from sleep-related issues after spending time in salt rooms. The relaxation and stress-reducing effects of salt therapy may contribute to improved sleep quality.

Enhanced exercise performance: Some athletes and fitness enthusiasts claim that spending time in a salt room can improve endurance, lung capacity, and overall athletic performance. The purported respiratory benefits of salt therapy may support these claims.

Sari Bara

Sari je iskusni praktičar Tajlandskih i Indonezijskih tehnika masaže, koje je naučila na Baliju, a kasnije usavršila diljem svijeta, uključujući i internacionalne kruzere. Terapeutkinja potiče iz Indonezije, gdje su profesionalizam i usluga visoko cijenjene vještine. Razvijena emocionalna i socijalna inteligencija će svaki vaš tretman učiniti nezaboravnim, kao i njena nenadmašna sposobnost prilagodbe usluga svakom klijentu.


Indonezijska masaža

Tradicionalna metoda liječenja pritiskom i specifičnim pokretima uz korištenje šaka, prstiju, laktova i ruku terapeutkinje. Ova masaža promoviše relaksaciju, ugodan osjećaj u tijelu i ubrzava oporavak. Smatra se i zdravstvenom terapijom budući da smanjuje bol i tenzije u mišićima, stimuliše imunološki sistem, pokreće cirkulaciju u tijelu. Smanjuje nivo stresa, balansira krvni pritisak i promoviše opuštanje zglobova.

Tajlandska masaža

Poznata po svojim benefitima širom svijeta, već više od hiljadu godina. Radi se na niskom krevetu ili prostirci, u odjeći. Za ovaj tretman je potrebno da je klijent aktivno uključen u proces, dok terapeutkinja koristi ruke, koljena i čak stopala kako bi klijenta provela kroz određene pozicije. Tradicionalna Thai tehnika koristi se istezanjem, povlačenjem i pokretanjem dijelova tijela, kako bi se smanjila bol u leđima, zglobovima i mišićima. Ovim tretmanom se povećava akutna fleksibilnost i obnavlja se energija u organizmu.


Mon – Fri: 8AM – 8PM
Sat & Sun : we are (mostly) closed


Marka Marulića 2, 71000 Sarajevo


+387 61 97 97 24

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